GDPR is the most successful step that the EU’s governing bodies have taken in this direction. GDPR affects everyone who has a business with any kind of online presence, whether it’s just a rudimentary run-of-the-mill website or a venture that relies significantly on digital infrastructure for day-to-day operations. GDPR effectively requires that you obtain prior consent from any user who visits your website in order to gather information, as well as inform him explicitly what data you collect will be used for and for what purpose. GDPR noncompliance brings severe fines and penalties. It is a major barrier for everyone, from marketing firms sending unwanted emails to’subscribers’ to portals gathering and selling information.


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Privacy Policy

We place the utmost importance on protecting the data and other relevant information that we acquire from our clients/users of our services.
We make certain that we only inquire about details that are critical to the operation of our systems in order to better serve you.
Institutional checks and balances at several levels inside our organisation help to avoid data abuse, loss, or theft.